
you get no thing out of it

what do you get from enlightenment? not a thing. you realize the truth of what you are and life just goes on as always. you still have to eat, sleep, pay your bills... and here's what we really don't want to hear: you still have to face difficult and challenging events in your life.

of course your approach towards everything changes drastically, but it's not that you suddenly become exempt from all the "bad" things in life and live the remainder of your days in a state of blissful apathy towards the world.

the only difference is that through all of the ordinary aspects of life – including times of discomfort, confusion and pain – the essence of being is continually present, and helpless despair is no longer an inseparable aspect of suffering. you become rooted in an unshakable peace that remains even when things on the surface get hectic.


Anonymous said...

"you become rooted in an unshakable peace that remains even when things on the surface get hectic."

...love the way in which the concept has been expressed.

Marcos Taquechel said...

The first stage of knowing is that everything is non existent or empty of meaning. The mind than says: great! there is no pain and there is no ego, nothing exist so I don't have to worry about a thing. But when real suffering comes it all goes out the window. I seem that the understanding and acceptance of suffering will offer more and is not such a cheap escapism. Good stuff on your blog. Visit my blog too.

nerodha said...

thanks ash :-]

marcos, i like your blog! nice images. i put a couple of comments on there...