
spiritual obligation?

if you make a rigid obligation out of your spiritual development, it'll produce the same stiffness and suffering as everything else ultimately does when you make a rigid obligation out of it.

if you do it, don’t do it because you HAVE to.

do it out of enjoyment, curiosity, because you feel a deep calling for it... but not as an obligation that someone else has convinced you you need to fulfill.

do it out of love, or compassion for yourself, with understanding and patience.


Anonymous said...

think it is good to know whether the world of romance matters to oneself. I define romance as heightened feeling/idealisation. Spirituality I see as a n extreme version of it. It would not suit everyone but if one has a calling, then one has a calling. calling just refers to how one is inclined.

nerodha said...

and if one has a calling, life becomes much easier when one stops resisting that calling and accepting it with all of its negative and positive connotations.

Anonymous said...

unsure where the idea of a negative connotation comes from.

nerodha said...

referring to the challenging part of being inclined towards things that are not commonly accepted, especially when it comes to finding out what the nature of reality is.

in my experience it's been challenging because it's required total dedication, which has made it impossible to fully participate in other commonly-held interests that society expects one to partake in.

this has been challenging because society doesn't like it when you don't play its game, and tries to make it hard on you when you move away from its goals towards something different.

Anonymous said...
