
wining & losing

gangaji says: "wining and losing have nothing to do with the truth of who you are."

whalt whitman says: "battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won."

what does this mean? that what we feel, what we think, what we do and the outcome of our actions has no impact, doesn't change or in any way reflect upon what we really are.

we come off as a jerk in a conversation? we're still what we are, no less. we come off as the life of the party? we're still what we are, no more.

what we are already exists in its totality. the possibility doesn't exist of it being defined, formed or changed by the fluctuating conditions of our lives.

what does change depending on what we think and feel is our mental concept or mental interpretation of who we are.

the outcomes of our actions will also affect our mental projection of who we are, and the mental projection others have of us, but again these have no effect upon the already complete truth of what we are, which is beyond a mere mental concept.

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