
freedom is the base

on top of which we have the habit of placing limiting structures. we then perceive these structures (which couldn't exist without the base of freedom) more than the base itself. we take the ground for granted and look for freedom elsewhere. we're experiencing bondage within the context of freedom.

different types of bondage will come and go, but freedom will always be there. bondage is said to be an illusion because it's invented. everyone suffers a different brand of it, depending on their past experience and conditioning. one person might see through the lies of another's way of self-enslavement, but remain blind to his or her own.

when it comes down to it, the jail-like structures we construct around our inherently free nature are pretty mundane; what's enslaving us at the moment might be as simple as a worry over our unsatisfactory behavior last night at a social gathering. they're also constantly in flux, so that today we're oppressed by the demands we place on ourselves as we push a cart through the supermarket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good post, I like it.